Pet parents need to know there are natural options available to help deal with anxiety and stress.
Q: My pet is suffering from anxiety. Are there any natural options?
A: This is a common question for many of my fellow veterinarians. One of the formulas Rx Vitamins has designed to help reduce anxiety in dogs and cats is NutriCalm for Dogs and Liquid NutriCalm.”
Q: What makes the NutriCalm formulas stand out?
A: The key ingredients in these formulas are two amino acids. One of these is tryptophan. Tryptophan is a precursor for the formation of serotonin. Serotonin is more of a vegetative kind of a neurotransmitter. It has to do with relaxation and calming.
Although tryptophan and theanine work well on their own, these two amino acids are even more effective when used together.
We know that when we stimulate serotonergic neurotransmitters, it can help to reduce anxiety. The other amino acid is called theanine. Theanine has shown through a number of studies to be effective in reducing anxiety, especially in dogs. Although they work well on their own, these two amino acids are even more effective when used together.
Q: What other ingredients in NutriCalm work to address stress and anxiety?
A: NutriCalm also contains ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is an ayurvedic herb that’s considered to be an adaptogen. Adaptogens are substances that help the adrenal glands adapt to stress. Certainly, if you’re anxious all the time, your adrenal glands are really working overtime. Having an adaptogen in the formula can be very helpful. Another ingredient is Valerian root. Valerian root has a long history of being used for calming. It has a nice taste for dogs and cats because it tastes kind of like stinky socks. And we know most dogs and cats can’t get enough of that.
Q: Are there any other ingredients we should be aware of before recommending it to our patients?
A: Yes. It also contains magnesium, calcium, and a little bit of catnip. Some people worry that catnip is going to stimulate their cats but catnip is actually a calmative. Although it may initially create a little bit of stimulation in a cat, the dosage is so low that it ultimately helps to calm them.
Q: What is the difference between Liquid NutriCalm and NutriCalm for Dogs?
A: The Liquid NutriCalm formula is essentially the same as the NutriCalm capsules. You could certainly use the Liquid NutriCalm for kitty cats as well as some small dogs that are ‘difficult to pill’.